Tips for Maintaining Health and Vitality As You Age

10 Essential Healthy Habits for Seniors to Keep Them Healthy

Getting older is inevitable, but how healthy you feel in your later years depends on many things. It’s never too late to start or level up good health habits.

Eating a rainbow of nutrient rich foods helps you get the vitamins and minerals you need. Try adding more nutrient dense seafood and plant-based proteins like beans and nuts to your diet.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy diet is one of the most important things you can do to stay healthy as you age. It helps you maintain a healthy weight, protects against certain chronic (long-term) diseases, and may even improve your brain health.

Eating well can be challenging, especially if you have developed unhealthy habits over the years. But it is possible to turn your eating habits around, no matter your age.

Try to limit how much sodium and added sugar you eat. Choose a balanced diet that includes whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats.

When changing your diet, it’s better to make small changes over time instead of trying to cut out foods completely or all at once. This will help you stick to your new diet and avoid feeling deprived or overwhelmed. Eating a well-balanced diet will also help you get all the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy and feel vital.

Get Enough Sleep

It’s probably not a surprise to learn that your body requires adequate amounts of sleep in order to function properly. However, many people struggle to get the restful sleep that their bodies need on a regular basis.

Sleep is important because it promotes alertness, memory consolidation, and mood regulation. It’s also essential for physical vitality, as it helps the heart stay healthy and strong.

As we age, our sleep needs may change. For example, we might not sleep as deeply at night, and it’s common to wake up more during the night. However, we still need a full seven to nine hours of restful sleep each night in order to maintain our health and well-being.

You can improve your sleep quality by following certain tips. These include establishing a regular bedtime, avoiding light-emitting screens before bed, exercising during the day and relaxing before sleep. You should also make sure that your bedroom is dark, quiet and cool, and avoid caffeine, alcohol and large meals in the hours before you go to bed.

Stay Active

The right balance of healthy eating, getting plenty of restful sleep and keeping active is the key to maintaining health and vitality. This is true at every age, but especially as you age.

Adding daily physical movement to your routine helps strengthen muscles and bones, improves flexibility and reduces joint stiffness. It also reduces the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes and some cancers, and boosts your mood.

It’s recommended that adults over the age of 65 participate in at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity per week or 75 minutes of vigorous activity twice a week. Start slowly and work up to that goal over time.

Talk to your doctor about what activities are safe for you. Always remember to stretch and to drink water, particularly before, during and after exercise. Also, avoid long periods of sitting – break up sitting times by walking around your home or going for short walks or climbing stairs at work.

Stay Connected

A healthy and active social life is a key ingredient to a long, fulfilling and healthy life. However, staying connected isn’t always easy as we age. Career changes, retirement, illness, and moves out of the local area can all take away close friends and family members. And, in later life, getting around may become difficult for you or for members of your social network.

Having an array of people you can turn to for company and support can be a buffer against loneliness, depression, disability, hardship and loss. It can also help you stay active, which helps reduce the risk of severe symptoms that can cause comorbidities and slow your health journey. Make it a habit to spend time with your family and friends, whether in person or via phone or email. In addition, make meals a social event and invite other people to join you. It can be a fun way to meet new people and get the added benefits of social interaction.

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